Thursday, 17 January 2013


Throughout the world, Agricultural Science has always been a peculiar subject. The role it played in its practical applications in many aspects of human activities and in the development of other areas in learning as evidence. Agricultural science is no longer a subject for the few talented but for all. For example, the phrase, ‘Green Revolution was coined by the late William Daud, Director of USAID, to describe the breakthrough in wheat and rice production in Asia that began during the mid-1960s. This process of applying Agricultural Science to develop third world agriculture actually begins in Mexico with the “quiet” wheat revolution in the mid-1950s. During the 1960s and 1970s in India, Pakistan and the Philippines received world attention for their agricultural progress. Since 1980, China has been the greatest success story. Home to one-fifth of the world’s people, China today is the world’s biggest food producer. With each successive year, its cercal crop yield approach that of the United State.

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